[wr_row width=”boxed” background=”none” solid_color_value=”#FFFFFF” solid_color_color=”#ffffff” gradient_color=”0% #FFFFFF,100% #000000″ gradient_direction=”vertical” repeat=”full” img_repeat=”full” autoplay=”yes” position=”center center” paralax=”no” border_width_value_=”0″ border_style=”solid” border_color=”#000″ div_padding_top=”10″ div_padding_bottom=”10″ div_padding_right=”10″ div_padding_left=”10″ ][wr_column span=”span12″ ][/wr_column][/wr_row][wr_row width=”boxed” background=”none” solid_color_value=”#FFFFFF” solid_color_color=”#ffffff” gradient_color=”0% #FFFFFF,100% #000000″ gradient_direction=”vertical” repeat=”full” img_repeat=”full” autoplay=”yes” position=”center center” paralax=”no” border_width_value_=”0″ border_style=”solid” border_color=”#000″ div_padding_top=”10″ div_padding_bottom=”10″ div_padding_right=”10″ div_padding_left=”10″ ][wr_column span=”span8″ ][wr_video video_source_link_vimeo=”″ video_vimeo_dimension_width=”500″ video_vimeo_dimension_height=”270″ video_vimeo_autoplay=”false” video_vimeo_loop=”false” video_vimeo_color=”#54BBFC” video_alignment=”center” video_margin_top=”10″ video_margin_bottom=”10″ appearing_animation=”0″ disabled_el=”no” video_sources=”vimeo” ][/wr_video][wr_text el_title=”Transcribe” text_margin_top=”0″ text_margin_bottom=”0″ enable_dropcap=”no” appearing_animation=”0″ disabled_el=”no” ]So you have some artwork and you’re ready to send it off. You’ve spent a good while working on it and it looks fantastic. You send it over to your favorite printer and they say it’s not up to spec. Something something about dippy, bleeding, and colors in space. Dippy? Bleeding? What’s all this? Well, before you send over another file, please, consider the following.
Dippy is actually DPI and it stands for Dots Per Inch. It’s the number of pixels that are printed into a single inch of print. For the most part, digital printers print at a resolution of 300 DPI. That means for every square inch, there are 300×300 pixels, or in the case of a printer, dots of toner. That’s a whole lot of pixels, and more pixels equals more detail.
Most graphics programs default to 72 or 96 dpi which is great for web and screen formats, not so great for print. Let’s say you have a logo and you want it on business card. Let’s say, for this example, that you want your logo to be 1” in size. Would you rather it be made of 72 dots or 300 dots?
If you’re working on your very own design it’s important to change your canvas settings to 300 dpi before you begin the project. If you are sending over a graphic or an image, consider the size that you’re sending. It may look great on your phone or computer screen, but not in print. Ensure your image is the biggest and sharpest image you can find. Also, please remember that you can’t just enlarge a smaller 72 dpi image into a 300 dpi image, this will always cause distortion and quality loss. If you’re sending your image by phone e-mail, always make sure you opt for the option that says “Actual Size” or “Original Size”.
Here we have another example. This first bride was 72 dpi, and we had to enlarge it to fill the space. This caused a lot of quality loss. This second bride is 300 dpi and we didn’t have to change her at all. Here you can most definitely see the difference dpi and image resolution can do for your prints.
Be sure to join us next time when we tackle bleeds and color space! [/wr_text][/wr_column][wr_column span=”span4″ ][wr_image el_title=”Postcards” image_file=”” image_size=”medium” link_type=”no_link” image_container_style=”no-styling” image_alignment=”inherit” image_margin_top=”20″ appearing_animation=”0″ disabled_el=”no” ][/wr_image][wr_button el_title=”postcards” button_text=”Postcards” link_type=”url” button_type_url=”” open_in=”current_browser” button_alignment=”inherit” button_margin_top=”0″ button_margin_left=”0″ button_margin_bottom=”20″ button_margin_right=”0″ button_size=”default” button_color=”btn-info” appearing_animation=”0″ disabled_el=”no” ][/wr_button][wr_image el_title=”dm” image_file=”” image_size=”full” link_type=”url” image_type_url=”” open_in=”current_browser” image_container_style=”no-styling” image_alignment=”inherit” appearing_animation=”0″ disabled_el=”no” ][/wr_image][wr_button el_title=”Mail” button_text=”Direct Mail” link_type=”url” button_type_url=”” open_in=”current_browser” button_alignment=”inherit” button_margin_top=”0″ button_margin_left=”0″ button_margin_bottom=”30″ button_margin_right=”0″ button_size=”default” button_color=”btn-info” appearing_animation=”0″ disabled_el=”no” ][/wr_button][/wr_column][/wr_row]